How old do you have to be to attend a Ghostcallers UK event ?
To attend any of our event all participants must be 18 yrs or over
Do i need to bring any equipment along to an event?
All participants are more than welcome to bring along any equipment they may have eg: video camera, emf reader, laser thermomenter, ect but equipment is available from the team should you wish to use it
What sort of clothing do i need to wear ?
Casual clothing is the norm on all Ghostcallers UK events you don't need any special clothing, but some locations do require you to wear warm comfortable clothing and sensible footwear.
What equipment will attendees use during an investigation ?
Equipment used Ghostcallers UK events varies but the most common equipment we use are Emf readers, Laser thermometers, Video night vision cameras, various types of trigger objects, table tipping Quija boards (when allowed)
How many attendees are allowed on an investigation ?
The maximum amount of attendees allowed on an investigation does vary but usually the maximum amount of people allowed is 30 attendees at any one event.
How long does a Ghostcallers UK event last ?
Ghostcallers UK events usually last about 6 hours but some events have been known to carry on a little longer.
Will i experience paranormal activity during a Ghostcallers UK event ?
No paranormal team can guarentee that you will experience paranormal activity on any event but, Ghostcallers UK try their upmost for all who attend their events to at least experience some form of paranormal activity
Is smoking allowed during an event ?
During our events people wishing to smoke during intervals are allowed to smoke in certain designated areas, where and when allowed, but some locations owing to their historical importance and health and safety regulations do not allow smoking on their premises.
Am i allowed to drink alcohol on an investigation ?
Due to health and safety regulations concerning paranormal events and also public liability insurance, strongly stipulates that no alcohol or illegal substances are allowed, anyone found to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances will be removed from the event and no refunds given.